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Could your job be putting your health at risk?

Could your job be putting your health at risk?

Kevin William Grant
July 25, 2019

More than eight in 10 Americans are stressed about their jobs. Occupational stress is so common that it's become accepted as a fact of life. Unfortunately work stress has serious health consequences. 

Chronic stress has been linked with negative health issues, including poor sleep quality, depression, weight gain and an increased risk of developing a number of chronic diseases. 

Feeling trapped in a workplace can increase your risk for coronary heart disease, a leading cause of death in the U.S. In a two-part Finnish study conducted between 1985 and 1990, researchers surveyed more than 6,000 male British government workers about how fair, or unfair, they perceived their employers. Participants who reported a high level of justice at work were 30% less likely to develop coronary heart disease than workers who consistently experienced injustice at work.

Feeling like you haven't been heard ranks as the most stressful aspect of interpersonal work relationships. Helplessness happens when employees feel like they've expressed themselves and been discounted, or someone hasn't taken the time to listen to them.

Source: Huffington Post

Interesting Workplace Stress Statistics

83% of US workers are stressed:

  • A recent Everest College survey revealed that a whopping 83% of American professionals are stressed out at their jobs.
  • Some of the reasons for that stress include low pay, too much work, poor work-life balance, lack of job security, lack of professional development opportunities, and not being in the right field.

Stress results in as much as $300 billion in lost productivity:

  • According to an aggregated report by Health Advocate, stress has a profoundly negative impact on worker productivity to the tune of $300 billion each year.

60% to 80% of workplace accidents result from stress:

  • When an accident occurs at the workplace, there’s a good chance it can be attributed to stress.
  • Because of this, workers’ compensation claims for stress-related incidents are on the rise. 

1,000,000 employees miss work each day because of stress:

  • The average company losing $602 each year per employee for stress-related absences.

60% of workers are guilty of taking time off work because of stress:

  • Three out of five workers say they’ve lost productivity because they are stressed at work. 

Stressed employees spend 46% more on health care:

  • Stressed-out employees have considerably higher health care costs than their more relaxed peers.
  • A recent study found that as many as 90% of visits to the doctor’s office can be linked to stress.

14% of workers want to punch their colleagues:

  • A survey conducted by Gallup revealed that 14% of workers wanted to hit their coworkers due to stress.

29% of workers have yelled at their coworkers because of stress:

  • Nearly three out of ten workers have become so stressed to the point that they’ve raised their voices to their colleagues, according to a survey by Integra.

 Nearly 70% of workers feel like they have too much work on their plates:

  • According to our 2015 Employee Engagement Report, a majority of workers feel as though there aren’t enough hours in the workweek to get everything done.

 75% of employees believe that today’s workers are more stressed out:

  • Three out of four employees feel as though they have worse working conditions than previous generations, according to Princeton Survey Research Associates.

43% of workers believe their employers care about work-life balance:

  • A recent study by the American Psychological Association revealed that more than half of workers feel as though their employers aren’t doing a good job of supporting them in achieving work-life balance.

